Course on Understanding Critical Theory



Course Title

Contending for Faith and Freedom in a Cultural Storm – An assessment of contemporary critical theory and God’s will for His church

Course Instructors:

Professor William Wagner, President, Salt & Light Global / Great Lakes Justice Center


Pastor Gary Page, Pastor, Victory Baptist Church, Manchester MI


Victory Baptist Church, 419 S. Macomb St., Manchester MI 48158


Sunday evenings, July 11, 18, and 25, with a special “round table” discussion August 1

5:30 – 8:00 PM


There is no charge to attend.  A love offering will be taken at each session.

Course Details

Session #1, July 11 Critical Theory Explained explains the basic, foundational premises of contemporary critical theory.  It also unpacks some of America’s horrific history of racism and racial injustice to provide some context for contemporary critical theory’s deceptive appeal.  In this session we assess how the infectious spread of this secular worldview threatens religious freedom and constitutional governance

Session #2, July 18:  Critical Theory Analyzed examines how contemporary critical theory is not just inconsistent with Christianity but incompatible with it. We analyze why it is deeply antithetical to basic Biblical doctrine, while presenting strategies for engaging the threat with God’s wisdom and grace.

Session #3, July 25:  Contending for the Faith explains what it means when God in His Word calls us to earnestly contend for the faith.  Pastor Gary discusses God’s design/will for the church.  What CT alleges to seek God has provided in Christ – it is the nature of the coming kingdom

Session #4 August 1: God’s Design for God’s Church considers the Biblical teaching of the church as Christ’s body; where and how the contemporary Western church is faltering in its God-given mission; and how we – God’s church – can “build back better” Biblically in Christ.

Goals of the Course

This course

  • equips you to confront contemporary critical theory, discerning between godly wisdom and secular folly (Colossians 2:8)
  • equips you with the knowledge to explain why the fundamental principles of contemporary critical theory are false
  • equips you to take every thought captive for the glory of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)
  • equips you to earnestly contend for the faith when critical theory politics masquerades as Biblical truth (Jude)
  • equips you to share the gospel with those influenced by contemporary critical theory 

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