We live in interesting times when a billionaire-playboy-mogul enjoys broad support as President — from evangelicals. Can you follow both the Nazarene and the New Yorker? Probably not. But you can, without anointing him evangelical flag-bearer, value his accomplishments and see through politically driven news cycles. Read on.
Pathological Criticism by Political Opponents
Most of the criticism attached to President Trump seems pathological. Two examples suffice to make the point.
Many economic indicators point to the health of an economy (e.g., unemployment, interest rates, inflation, etc.). The most interesting indicator however, is Chuck Schumer speaking like a fiscal conservative. Appearing before the media, he reminds them of the deficit we face. His metamorphosis, and feigned criticism of a budget he helped to craft, is good news.
As for foreign policy, feel hopeful about what happens next with North Korea. The charge that Trump gave legitimacy to a rogue nation strikes hollow. Hollow as the criticism he received for taking a phone call from Taiwan. The moment your policy priority is to convince the world that a land mass with its own government, its own currency, and its own culture is not really a nation, you missed the point. The interesting thing here is not that Kim Jong Un tells the US he intends to denuclearize, but that his own state-run media produces propaganda supporting a nuclear-free peninsula.
The health of the economy and of foreign policy relationships is like one’s own health. Even if you do everything right, a chance still exists that things can sour. When life is well, however, it is pathological to think that you are about to die. So it seems with most of the press coverage about the President.
A Deeper Critique
A Christian can criticize President Trump in a deeper and more urgent way than CNN’s news team. To be sure, his past includes things too shameful even to mention. Whether he ever repented from these things remains unclear. His routine of discarding and marrying new women throughout his life raises the question of whether he understands the sacredness of marriage, or the beauty of companionship designed by God. We can pity him for that. I recognize he acknowledged the Gospel in public. We welcome his presentation of the Gospel in a world where many characterize it as hate speech. We pray that while the President achieves success in the economy, in foreign policy, and in his business life, that he not lose his soul. The words of Jesus are forever alarming to those who consider themselves to be strongest and the smartest in this life, “What does it profit a man…” Does the man who dedicates his life to winning, know that ultimate victory comes through losing his life, laying it down for others?
In sum, the believer can praise the President’s personal accomplishments while offering a critique that goes far deeper than what his political opponents offer. Be aware though, deeper critiques of this kind challenge us to look at our own person as well.