2017 SLG Year in Review… Seasoning the Public Dialog with Truth


Prof. William Wagner

WFFC Distinguished Chair for Faith & Freedom at SAU

Dear Supporter of SLG:

In  2017, Salt & Light Global ministries shined the healing light of Christ into dark places. In local, state, national, and international forums we seasoned the public dialogue with the Truth of God’s Word.

SLG’s ministries shares the Good News of Jesus and fulfills His Great Commission to make disciples and teach Truth, while our Great Lakes Justice Center strategically preserves environments where others may do so as well. SLG seeks solutions informed by Truth, promotes good governance, and preserves the blessings of liberty. We desire to see cultures transformed as their communities intentionally, strategically, and prayerfully preserve and shine Truth for God’s glory.

Timeless moral Truths, rooted in divine, natural, and common law traditions, form the fundamental foundation of good governance and the preservation of liberty. These self-evident Truths, written on each of our hearts, provide a moral compass with which to guide personal and institutional decision-making. Endowed by our Creator, these Permanent Principles provide moral points of reference against which a culture measures right from wrong, good from bad, just from unjust.

Chipping away (and replacing) our nation’s moral constitutional foundation, is a deceptive philosophical approach to law and governance known as the “living constitution.”  This illusory jurisprudential approach empowers unelected judges and regulators to engage in social engineering with impunity and with no political accountability. Deviously using the “living constitution” approach, American courts first legitimized slavery of humans based on race. In in modern times, courts and regulatory agencies evolved it to legalize abortion, deviant sexual conduct, same-sex marriage, and opposite sex access to your child’s public school bathroom and shower. Under this approach to constitutional governance, government authorities and secular institutions increasingly forbid morality from informing the policy-making process, or even being part of the marketplace of ideas. Ironically, as government prohibits moral truth from informing its governance, the desperate needs of the hungry, homeless, widows, orphans, and others continue to exponentially expand; liberty is attacked, freedom is restricted, and government power grows exponentially.

SLG directly challenges, and ultimately seeks to eradicate, the illusory “living constitution” approach to governing. By exposing the false legal/philosophical foundation to law and governance that empowers unelected judges and regulators to advance personal political agendas (without any political accountability), the social engineering built on that jurisprudential foundation also falls.

SLG equips the universal Church to engage the cultural using a Biblical worldview:

  • Providing preeminent worldview education necessary for understanding the Permanent Principles that underlie a free and thriving moral culture, as well as the competing worldviews that chip away and ultimately destroy a society;
  • Providing counsel to churches and Christian ministries;
  • Providing education on the importance of Rule of Law judicial and executive appointments;
  • Publishing high quality podcasts, books and other publications (e.g., God, Man, and the Constitution – Worldviews Collide; Political Islam, Sharia, and the American Constitution; How the Supreme Court Stole Christmas – and what you can do about it);
  • Educating Christians through Social, National, and International Media.

SLG strategically engages a cultural threatening the Church’s capability to share the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission:

  • Launching a Rule of Law Restoration Project to abolish the jurisprudential foundation empowering unelected judges and regulators to advance personal political agendas (without any political accountability) — so that the judicially imposed social engineering built on that jurisprudential foundation also falls.
  • Supporting Rule of Law Judicial Appointments
  • Championing the cause of defenseless and oppressed Christians from a local township board to the United States Supreme Court, to the United Nations
  • Speaking Truth on behalf of the persecuted and most vulnerable in all spheres of the culture
  • Protecting unalienable liberty and preserving good governance under the rule of law in all spheres of the culture
  • Challenging, anywhere in the world, the validity of the Administrative State, especially when government regulatory regimes act without constitutional authority or engage in immoral social engineering
  • Impacting the culture through Social, National, and International Media
  • Serving the needy

As the culture grows increasingly dark and callous, Jesus calls each of us to shine the light of Truth into the darkness and to resist conforming to the world. It is time to awaken the hearts of the faithful. The blessings of liberty and prosperity come with responsibility. To whom much is given, much is required. Every Christian inherits a distinct calling to “love thy neighbor.” And each generation of Christians inherits a special trust to ensure the preservation of liberty and the moral administration of justice. In a time of dark cultural decline, God called Isaiah, asking, “Whom shall I send, who will go for us?” May his response be ours: “Here am I, send me.”


SLG’s 2017 Academy Programs

Equipping the Universal Church to Engage the Culture

Program: S&L Lectures, Conferences, Seminars and Symposia – Equipping the Christian Citizenry and Engaging the Cultural Worldview of the Day

Salt & Light Global hosted stirring lectures on law, public policy, and constitutional governance from a Biblical worldview perspective. These addresses, known as the Salt & Light Global Lectures, were presented in a wide variety of international, national, state, and local forums. The audience for the Lectures included lay individuals, students, business owners, and executive, legislative, and judicial leaders. SLG sponsored academies and seminars debating worldview issues related to law, public policy, and constitutional governance. These programs often included internationally prominent Christian presenters from the highest levels of government, business, civic society, academia, and elsewhere.

Program: S&L Worldviews Collide Course – Providing Preeminent Biblical Worldview Education Focused on Law, Policy, and Constitutional Good Governance

Equipping the universal church, Salt & Light Global provided intensive Biblical worldview instruction focused on law, policy, and good governance. During the courses, students learned how and why colliding worldviews impact liberty and the rule of law. Designed to educate and equip Christians for citizen statesmanship, these courses teach the faithful how to understand and respond to impending threats to their freedom. Salt & Light Global provides this instruction all around the world through courses that range in length from one day to two weeks.

Program: S&L Strategic Council – Connecting Distinguished Scholars and Policy Experts

Salt & Light Global built relationships with academic institutions, scholars, and policy experts from around the world. The network forms the Strategic Council – a group of individuals who aid Salt & Light Global in strategically witnessing and defending Permanent Principles through independent research, writing, teaching, and speaking via a Christian Worldview. The scholarship produced from this research works toward eradicating the “living constitution” jurisprudence, entering Academia’s marketplace of ideas, credibly and persuasively competing there.

Program: S&L Wilberforce Fellowship – Training up Disciples Who Engage the Culture

The SLG Academy hosts a discipleship program that provides in-depth teaching on Permanent Principles and long-term mentoring to aid participants in applying their knowledge to law, policy, and governance. Coupled with the teaching and mentoring components, the SLG Wilberforce Fellowship requires students to actively engage the culture by, among other things: serving the needy; monitoring government actions affecting unalienable liberty; informing the public of current threats to religious conscience; or assisting those speaking for the persecuted. Upon successfully completing the discipleship program, participants become SLG Wilberforce Fellows – named in honor of William Wilberforce, the Christian member of the British Parliament who successfully spearheaded the abolition of the slave trade.

Program: S&L Publishing – Providing quality books and other publications for His Glory

Salt & Light Global published textbooks, workbooks, and other teaching materials for self-study or for use by educational institutions desiring to teach law, policy, and constitutional good governance from a Biblical natural law worldview.[1]

Program: S&L Witness – Engaging the Culture and Equipping Christians through Social, National, and International Media

SLG regularly commented on the positive impact of Christianity on the culture. Because Truth needs a witness, SLG also commented on deteriorating cultural developments and abuses of government power. Affiliated academic scholars and policy experts regularly tweeted, blogged, podcasted, and provided interviews to TV, Radio, and print media. SLG always produces its media programs with an eye toward preserving and shining inalienable Truth and Christian love in the culture for God’s glory. By strategically employing a wide variety of media, Salt & Light Global enhances and expands its ability to inform and engage the culture. Importantly, SLG Witness shines light on the devious use of the illusionary “living constitution” approach to law and governance, (e.g., persuasively engaging the culture on the issues of abortion, marriage, and opposite sex access to your child’s public school bathroom and shower – as well as the proper role of the judiciary in constitutional governance


SLG’s 2017 Cultural Engagement Programs

Engaging the Culture for the Glory of God; Restoring Good Governance under the Rule of Law

Program: S&L Concerned Christians – Converting Ideas into Action

To ensure SLG’s educational programs equip Christians to impact the culture, a Practical Application accompanied each SLG educational program. The Practical Application showed Christians how to apply the lessons learned to their personal and professional lives.

SLG provided opportunities for Christians to independently serve their communities, especially those in need (e.g., widows, orphans, the persecuted, the homeless, the hungry, etc).

Finally, SLG also provided opportunities for Christians to independently engage the cultural worldviews of the day, especially in the realm of law, policy, and governance.

Program: S&L ConsultingRebuilding on a Foundation of Permanent Principles

SLG provided Christian worldview consulting to individuals, communities and institutions interested in rebuilding cultural walls on the foundation of Permanent Principles. In areas of cultural decline, we informed the cultural worldview of the day, allowing Christ’s love and truth to restore cultural foundations, one person, one family, one church, and one community at a time.

Program: S&L Prayer Points Interceding on behalf of our communities and nations

We know that the first level of engagement is prayer. To facilitate individual and corporate intercession, we distributed weekly prayer requests outlining specific needs that impact upon Permanent Principles, in all spheres, but especially in the realm of law, policy, and good governance.

Program: S&L John 17 Unity Uniting the Church to Better Serve our Communities

We actively promoted cooperation with other groups, ministries, corporations, etc. that seek to uphold the truth of God’s Word in our society. John 17 Unity strives to build unity and synergy within the Body of Christ by intentionally networking the SLG/ GLJC audience with various organizations.

Program: S&L Guard – Monitoring International and Diplomatic Threats to Christians

SLG monitored international and diplomatic threats to Christians. Because U.S. Courts and regulatory regimes increasingly rely on transnational law, we are especially concerned with transnational initiatives impacting the family, the sanctity of life, and the freedoms of religious conscience and expression. Internationally, SLG hopes to engage the culture through NGO consultative activities at International and Diplomatic Forums.

Program: S&L Democracy and Good Governance / Rule of Law Assistance Promoting Good Governance across the Globe

Upon invitation, SLG provided democracy and good governance/ rule of law assistance to other countries. Specifically, we sponsored and participated in activities designed to establish good governance practices that sustain integrity and preserve liberty of religious conscience.  Whether helping to build a developing democracy or providing refresher courses on good governance practices, we use unalienable Truth as our guide. Using these Permanent Principles, our consulting activities include:

  • building government infrastructure;
  • implementing anti-corruption strategies;
  • promoting democracy and good governance under the rule of law to preserve unalienable liberty (e.g., freedom of religious conscience).


SLG’s 2017 Great Lakes Justice Center Programs

Program: LitigationDefending Truth. Protecting Liberty. (Litigation)

The primary focus of our litigation program is to strategically expose, and ultimately eradicate, the illusionary “living constitution” jurisprudence as a legitimate foundation for law and liberty. From a local township board, to federal and state trial courts, we championed the cause of the defenseless and oppressed through pro bono litigation and legal representation.

Program: Supreme Court/ Appellate PracticeDefending Truth. Protecting Liberty (Appeals)

We spoke truth on behalf of the persecuted and most vulnerable in the highest and most influential courts. We submitted well-reasoned appellate briefs before appellate courts, including the United States Supreme Court. Each of these strategically filed briefs convincingly demonstrate the illegitimacy of “living constitution” social engineering arguments… that undermine freedom of religious conscience.

Program: S&L Sentinel Monitoring Domestic Policy

We engaged the culture through legal representation and other activities at local, state and national forums. (e.g., Federal Executive Branch Departments and Agencies)  The Sentinel program:

  • drafted proposed regulatory and statutory language for local, state, and national governments on initiatives impacting the family, the sanctity of life, and the freedoms of religious conscience and expression;
  • represented or supported persecuted Christians in local, state, and national public forums;
  • provided expert non-partisan testimony and comments on proposed initiatives impacting the family, the sanctity of life, and the freedoms of religious conscience and expression

Program: S&L Policy and Issue Analysis Analyzing Domestic Policy Initiatives

We provided preeminent expert policy and issue analysis. From a local government, to state and federal legislative and regulatory regimes, we provided Issue Briefs on proposed law and policy impacting the family, the sanctity of life, and the freedoms of religious conscience and expression. This non-partisan analysis on proposed local, state, and national governmental actions educates the universal church on matters that affect its ability to share the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission.

Program: Watchdog Fact Checking Exposing Dishonesties in Opposition Analysis and Commentary

We exposed mischaracterizations, misrepresentations, and untruths in propaganda produced by those opposing religious liberty, freedom of expression, the protection of human life, etc.

Thus, when government acts without constitutional authority or uses “living constitution” ideas to infringe upon God-given unalienable liberty, we held government accountable and work to ensure that freedom endures. Without fear or favor to any political party, we boldly proclaim and defend truth in love.


Appendix I – 2017 Program Activities 

Participated in Cases before the United States Supreme Court (Supreme Court Practice)

We spoke truth on behalf of the persecuted and most vulnerable in the highest and most influential courts. We submitted well-reasoned appellate briefs before appellate courts, including the United States Supreme Court. Each of these strategically filed briefs convincingly demonstrate the illegitimacy of “living constitution” social engineering arguments… that undermine freedom of religious conscience.

  • March v Mills, (No. 17689) (representing Christian organizations) Whether a noise provision that restricts speech based on the purpose the speaker has in making the noise is an unconstitutional content-based restriction on speech
  • Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 Bd. of Education v Whitaker, (No. 17-301 (representing American Association of Christin Schools – GLR et al.) Whether the lower court’s decision is inconsistent with the plain meaning of Title IX, and whether it creates a hostile and discriminatory environment for students, faculty, administrators, and parents?
  • Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, v International Refugee Assistance Project et al., (Nos. 16-1436, 16-1540) (representing State and Federal legislators) Whether the President’s Executive Order banning travel from nations posing a threat to our national security violates the Establishment Clause?
  • Gloucester County School Board v GG, 16-273 (representing Christian Educators International and Michigan Association of Christian Schools, et al.) Whether the U.S. Department of Education interpretation of Title IX to allow men to invade a girl’s bathroom in the public school was wrong?
  • Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, (No. 16-111) (representing Christian business owners) Whether Colorado law that substantially interferes with sincerely held religious beliefs violates the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment?

Participated in Cases before State Supreme Courts: (Supreme Court Practice)

  • McAdams v. Marquette University 2017AP1240 (Wisc.) (amicus University Professors and Academics) (Whether university breached the plain meaning of a university contract incorporating First Amendment protections when it fired Christian professor because of his expression?)

Participated in litigation and other legal matters defending the Freedoms of Religious Conscience and Expression (Litigation)

  • HHS Mandate Case – Result: Won (Settlement offer received includes admission of wrongdoing by government)
  • Assisted an elderly blind man who the government prohibited from praying at a senior center because the lunch served there was subsidized by federal funding. Result: Won – full admission of wrongdoing by government; government official requested our assistance in drafting a constitutional policy

Prepared Issue Briefs and Policy Analysis on major policies impacting Christians and the culture: (Policy and Issue Analysis)

  • GLJC ISSUE BRIEF: Public School Board Transgender Policies
  • GLJC ISSUE BRIEF: Williamston School Board Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity Policies – The Detrimental Effect on Parents, Students, and the Business and Religious Community

Provided testimony in various public forums: (Sentinel Project)

* represented or supported persecuted Christians in local, state, and national public forums;

 * provided expert non-partisan testimony and comments on proposed initiatives impacting the family, the sanctity of life, and the freedoms of religious conscience and expression


  • Wagner, Comment of the Great Lakes Justice Center in Response to a Request for Information from the United States Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and the Treasury (HHS Abortion Mandate) (November 22, 2017)
  • Wagner, The Lack of Constitutional or Statutory Authority of the Civil Rights Commission to promulgate statutory policy, before the Michigan Civil Right Commission (September 18, 2017)
  • Wagner, Jurisdictional Autonomy and Ideological Currents in the Administration of Justice presented to the Peruvian Supreme Court, members of the Peruvian Judiciary, members of Peruvian legislature, and the Ministry of Justice at the Palace of Justice, Conferencia: Corrupcion De Funcionarios Etica Y Valores en la Funcion Publica (June 2, 2017)
  • Wagner, Good Governance, the Rule of Law, and the Proper Role of the Judiciary, presented to the Peruvian Supreme Court, members of the Peruvian Judiciary, and the Ministry of Justice at the Peruvian Judicial Academy (Academia de la Magistratura) (June 2, 2017)
  • Wagner, Human Rights and Wrongs, presentation made to Executive Branch officials at Defensoria del Pueblo, Colombia (May 31, 2017)
  • Wagner, Non-partisan expert testimony on the Good Governance reform needed to protect Constitutional liberties of parents and other citizens seeking vaccine waivers, before the Michigan House of Representatives Education Reform Committee (May 25, 2017)
  • Mersino, Non-partisan expert testimony on the Good Governance reform needed to protect Constitutional liberties of parents and other citizens seeking vaccine waivers, before the Michigan House of Representatives Education Reform Committee (May 25, 2017)
  • Wagner, Non-partisan expert testimony on the Qualifications and Character of the Hon. Neil Gorsuch to Serve on the Supreme Court, submitted to the United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, (March 20, 2017)
  • Wagner, Formal request to the Federal Executive Branch to rescind a policy position holding that the prohibitions on discrimination on the basis of sex in Title IX require access to sex-segregated facilities based on a persons self-proclaimed gender identity. (Jan. 26, 2017) NOTE: The DOJ and DOEd did so on Feb 22, 2017


Built working relationships with local, state, national and international organizations and ministries.  (John 17 Unity Project)

Representative Sample Listing: Reach & Love Lansing; Students for Life MI; Citizens for Traditional Values/ SSI; MICHOP; Congressional Prayer Caucus; Federalist Society; Christian Legal Society; David Barton’s ProFamily Legislative Network; Christian Concern / Christian Legal Centre – UK; Pro Valoras – Peru


Sponsored, participated in, developed and coordinated international/national /state symposia and academies on a wide variety of issues –. These activities equip the Christian Citizenry to engage the Cultural Worldview of the day, and often include nationally prominent presenters from the highest levels of government, business, civic society, and academia. (S&L Lectures, Conferences, Seminars and Symposia; John 17 Unity Project; Prayer Points; S&L Strategic Council; S&L Publishing; S&L Concerned Christians) 

  • SLG Academy: Restoring Legal Protection for Unborn Children (West) – Trained Students for Life pro-life leaders at Michigan universities on how abortion became legal in the United States and how the judicially made law can be reversed. (Nov. 28, 2017)
  • SLG Sponsored Academy: RLL’s The Warriors Table – preparing men of faith for Thanksgiving – remembering and focusing our roles as fathers, husbands, workers, and friends. We presented apologetic messages and training addressing the problem of pain.  (November 16, 2017)
  • SLG Academies: Restoring Legal Protection for Unborn Children (East) – Trained Students for Life pro-life leaders at Michigan universities on how abortion became legal in the United States and how the judicially made law can be reversed. (Nov. 10, 2017)
  • Lake Erie Pastoral Conference – hosted by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Prof. Wagner led a two-day academy for pastors in the US and Canada on God and Government (Oct. 2017)
  • Students for Life Michigan Conference – Sponsored by Salt & Light Global (Oct. 14, 2017)
  • The Body of Christ and the Public Square 2017 – In conjunction with Our Savior Lutheran, participated in a two-day academy with national speakers focusing on cultural issues of significant public concern. (Oct 7 & 14, 2017)
  • SLG Academy: Constitution Celebration 2017 – Professor Wagner led a one day academy featuring distinguished speakers from Congress, the Michigan Supreme Court along with pastors and experienced litigators. (Sept 16, 2017)
  • SLG Academy: Apologetic Inklings 2017 – Salt & Light Global/ Reach & Love Lansing held a 35-week academy focusing on Christian apologetics led by Keldon Scott. (Jan – Aug 2017)
  • SLG Academy (Manchester): God, Man, and Government – Professor Wagner led a 8 week academy with pastoral assistance focusing on a Christian worldview for understanding the culture and good governance principles. (June – July 2017)
  • SLG Academy: Worldviews Collide: Political Islam – A two-day academy with William Federer and Prof. William Wagner, Lansing and Muskegon, MI (May 16-17, 2017)
  • SLG Sponsored Academy: RLL’s The Warriors Table – preparing men of faith for Easter – Kel Scott held a bi-annual one night event, equipping Christian men to be strong and courageous men of integrity. We remembered the last supper and presented apologetic messages and training on Resurrection Power at Easter (April 13, 2017)
  • SLG Academy: Worldviews Collide: God, Parents, Teachers, and the Constitution – prepared as part of the Spring Energizer for Michigan Educators Christian Fellowship. (April 22, 2017)
  • SLG Host for Students for Life of Michigan Annual Banquet (April 27, 2017)

We also assisted in a program for the entire City of Lansing with Ravi Zacharias appearing at the Breslin Center in February, where about 8500 were in attendance, along with 1600 live view.  The connections and spirt of unity was awesome.

We finished Apologetic Inklings in 2017 after 35 sessions of short answers to big questions.  The gathering is usually 8 to 14 people. This fall we started Apologetics NT (New Testament).  We are marching through New Testament one book per week providing a charted overview of the book, along with an apropos apologetic associated with the book.

All in all, we impacted thousands of individuals and connected with about 50 churches.

Seasoning the public dialog with Truth, we presented lectures, in a wide variety of international, national, state, and local forums. (S&L Lectures, Conferences, Seminars and Symposia; John 17 Unity Project; Prayer Points; S&L Strategic Council; S&L Publishing; S&L Concerned Christians) 

  • Wagner, Will You Recognize God’s Ringtone When He Calls and Will You Answer? – presented to Dexter United Methodist Men’s Group (Dec. 9, 2017) 
  • Wagner, The Appropriate Role of the Judiciary in Constitutional Government, presented to the Michigan Conservative Union (Dec. 9, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Supreme Court Update, presented to Citizens for Traditional Values – Shiawassee (Dec. 5, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Good Governance and the Rule of Law, presented to the citizens of Grass Lake (November 30, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Restoring Legal Protection for Unborn Children), presented to Student’s for Life university leaders. (Grand Rapids -Nov. 28, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Restoring Legal Protection for Unborn Children), presented to Student’s for Life university leaders. (Detroit – Nov. 10, 2017) 
  • Wagner, The Message of Christmas, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution, presented to the Antrim County citizens. (Oct. 23, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Truth for Life Fundraiser Banquet Emcee for Another Way Pregnancy Center (Oct. 19, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Navigating to the City on the Hill- or Over the Gormorriahian Precipice – Part II, presented to the Lake Erie Pastoral Conference (Oct. 17, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Navigating to the City on the Hill- or Over the Gormorriahian Precipice – Part I, presented to the Lake Erie Pastoral Conference (Oct. 16, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Navigating to the City on the Hill- or Over the Gormorriahian Precipice, presented to Dutton United Reformed Church – Adult Education Hour (Oct. 15, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Government, and the Transgender Narrative, presented to Williamston Baptist Church (Oct. 8, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Lessons from David when Confronting Giants in the Culture, presented at The Body of Christ and the Public Square Conference (Week Two) (10/14/17) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and Government, presented at The Body of Christ and the Public Square Conference (Week One) (10/7/17) 
  • Wagner, Christian Leadership and the Future, Emcee Fundraising Banquet for the Student Statesmanship Institute (Sept. 29, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Interpreting the Constitution: The Virtue of Originalism or the Tyranny of the Few, presented to the Metropolitan Detroit Freedom Coalition (September 26, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Seasoning the Public Dialog with Truth, presented at SLG’s Constitution Celebration Academy (September 16, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Confronting Giants Who Defy the Living God – 1 Samuel 17, presented to South Church Worship Service (July 23, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Proper Role of Judiciary / GLJC update, presented to Eaton County Citizens (July, 20, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Interpreting the Constitution- The Virtue of Originalism or the Tyranny of the Few, presented to the Federalist Society, Nashville Lawyers Chapter (July 12, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and the Constitution Part VI, presented at the SLG Academy – Manchester (July 16, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and the Constitution Part V, presented at the SLG Academy – Manchester (July 9, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and the Constitution Part IV, presented at the SLG Academy – Manchester (July 2, 2017) 
  • Wagner, The Proper Role of the Judiciary, presented at the SSI Moot Court Competition at the Michigan Supreme Court (June 30, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and the Constitution Part III, presented at the SLG Academy – Manchester (June 25, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and the Constitution Part II, presented at the SLG Academy – Manchester (June 18, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Fundamental Right of Parents to Control and Direct Upbringing of their Children – Medical Decision and Vaccine Choice, presented at the Children’s March for Humanity in Washington D.C. (June 17, 2017)
  • Wagner, Standing on the Shoulder of Giants: Our Nation’s Founders, presented at Mount Vernon as part of the Stories in Stones program (June 15, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Man, and the Constitution Part I, presented at the SLG Academy – Manchester (June 11, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Confronting Giants who Defy the Living God, Presented to RaicesyAlas Church, Lima Peru (June 4, 2017)
  • Wagner, Faith, Integrity, and Leadership to faculty and students at Universidad De San Martin De Porres, Peru. (June 3, 2017)
  • Wagner, God is Always Faithful, presented to Peruvian business leaders, Lima, Peru (June 3, 2017)
  • Wagner, The “Good” in Good Governance, presentated to law students and faculty at Universidad De Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima, Peru (June 2, 2017)
  • Wagner, Jurisdictional Autonomy and Ideological Currents in the Administration of Justice presented to the Peruvian Supreme Court, members of the judiciary, members of legislature, and the Ministry of Justice at the Palace of Justice, Conferencia: Corrupcion De Funcionarios Etica Y Valores en la Funcion Publica (June 2, 2017)
  • Wagner, Good Governance, the Rule of Law, and the Proper Role of the Judiciary, presented to the Peruvian Supreme Court, members of the Peruvian Judiciary, and the Ministry of Justice at the Peruvian Judicial Academy (Academia de la Magistratura) (June 2, 2017)
  • Wagner, You Have a Destiny, presentation to Christian Students at Beth Shalom school in Colombia (June 1, 2017)
  • Wagner, Human Rights and Wrongs, presentation made to Executive Branch officials at Defensoria del Pueblo, Colombia (May 31, 2017)
  • Wagner, Truth Matters, presentation made to students and faculty at Universidad De La Salle, Colombia (May 31, 2017)
  • Wagner, Answering God’s Call to Engage the Culture Part II (An Exposition on Numbers 13) sermon presented to Victory Baptist Church, Manchester (May 28, 2017)
  • Wagner, Answering God’s Call, Graduation Commencement Address presented to the graduating class at Jackson Christian School (May 26, 2017) 
  • Wagner, The Proper Role of the Judiciary, presentation given to Blue Water Tea Party (May 25, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God’s Call, Graduation Commencement Address presented to the graduating class at Koinonia HS  (May 22, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Answering God’s Call to Engage the Culture Part I (An Exposition on Isaiah 6:1-8) sermon presented to Victory Baptist Church, Manchester (May 21, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Political Islam, Sharia, and the Constitution, presentation made at Living Word Church, Muskegon, MI (May 17, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Political Islam, Sharia, and the Constitution, presentation made at Faith Bible Church, Lansing, MI (May 16, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God and Government, presentation made to the Michigan Association of Christian Schools (May 9, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Awakening the Church for Engaging the Culture in a Time of Divisiveness, presentation made at Epicenter of Worship Church, Lansing (May 5-6, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Keeping the “Good” in Good Governance, presentation made to the Michigan Conservative Union at Capital Baptist Church, Lansing (April 29, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Answering God’s Call, presentation given to Homebuilders Group at South Church (April 23, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God, Parents, Teachers, and the American Constitution, presentation made to the Michigan Educators Christian Fellowship (April 22, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Sharia and the Constitution, presented to Port Huron Citizens (April 20, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Salt & Light Global – an introduction, presented to the Basecamp Men’s Ministry Program in Grand Rapids (April 2, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Abortion Debate Debated pro-abortion Professors at a Cornerstone University event in Grand Rapids (March 30, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God Man and Government Civil Asset Forfeiture, presented to a Port Huron Citizens (March 23, 2017) 
  • Wagner, God & Man, presented to Victory Bible Church in Manchester (March 19, 2017) 
  • Wagner, Ethics and the Practice of Law, presented at the Classical Conversations Community held at the Central Free Methodist Church (Feb. 28, 2017) 
  • Wagner, The Proper Scope of Congressional, Presidential and Judicial Power – and the Constitutional Liberty Limiting its Exercise, presented to the Bloomfield GOP Women’s Club (Feb. 16, 2017) 
  • Wagner, How to Resist Tyranny and Defend Religious Freedom, presented at the Battle Cry Conference held in Mount Pleasant (January 21, 2017) 
  • Wagner, After the Election… Now what do I do? presented to an Allegan County citizens (Jan. 17, 2017) 
  • Mersino, How to be a Truth Seeker in Today’s Culture, presentation to Students for Life Michigan (Jan. 11, 2017)
  • Mersino, How to be a Truth Seeker in Today’s Culture, presentation to Gabriel Ricard H.S. (Jan. 10, 2017)

Additional 2017 Presentations by SLG’s Resident Theologian, Austin Kreutz

  • A Second Reformation?
  • True and False Christianity
  • Commission and Accomplishment
  • A Cry for The City
  • Free will sin, and self-governance
  • Tolerance and compromise
  • More than a piece of paper
  • What is Authority
  • The High Cost of Sin
  • Romans
  • Religious liberty
  • What in the World is a World view?

Dave Kallman, Senior Counsel at the GLJC, also gave several presentations during 2017.

We Engaged the Culture and Equipped Christians through Social, National, and International Media on over a hundred occasions. (SLG Witness)

  • For a representative sample click here.

We updated and published textbooks, workbooks, and other teaching materials for self-study or for use by educational institutions (SLG Publishing)

  • God, Man, and the Constitution (2017 update)
  • The Message of Christmas and the Supreme Court (2017 ed.)
  • Political Islam and the Constitution (2017 ed.)
  • The Federalist Papers (on-going major project, to be finished in 2018)


Gina Johnsen, SLG Director of Outreach, led prayer for SLG/GLJC every Monday morning at the Michigan House of Prayer throughout all of 2017 (SLG Prayer Points)

Graham Chapman, SLG’s Chaplin, prepared 52 SLG devotionals with specific prayer points. (SLG Prayer Points)


SLG sponsored and participated in activities designed to establish good governance practices that sustain integrity – and benefit protection of USA Christians (S&L Democracy and Good Governance / Rule of Law Assistance) 

  • SLG provided democracy and good governance/ rule of law assistance to the nation of Columbia
  • SLG provided democracy and good governance/ rule of law assistance to the nation of Peru
  • SLG provided democracy and good governance/ rule of law assistance to the nation of Trinidad and Tobago
  • SLG provided democracy and good governance/ rule of law assistance to the nation of Australia


Appendix II

Understanding Permanent Principles Grounded in Self-Evident Truth. It is imperative to the mission of preserving and shining truth in the culture that the Christian community embraces Permanent Principles. Grounded in self-evident Truth, Permanent Principles are the foundational principles underlying good governance and the rule of law. The most fundamental Permanent Principles impacting law, policy and governance include:

  • Good Governance and the Rule of Law
    • Existence and Role of Moral Absolutes
    • Integrity under the Rule of Law – No One is Above the Law
    • Abuse of Power (e.g. Judicial Activism, Overstepping Authority, etc.)
    • Implication of Failing to Uphold the Rule of Law
  • The Inherent Value of Human Life
    • Understand the Source of Human Life and its Value
    • Define Inherent Value/Dignity of Human Life
    • Worthiness of Governmental Protection
  • The Inalienable Liberties of Religious Conscience, Expression, and Property
    • Significance Generally and as a Limitation on Government Power
    • What are they? How are they manifested?
    • When can they be limited or interfered with by other parties?
    • How have they been redefined? What implications have resulted?
  • The Inalienable Right of a Man and Woman to Marry, Procreate, and Control and Direct the Upbringing of their Children
    • Understand the Purpose for these Inalienable Rights
    • Understand the Definition for these Inalienable Rights
    • Understand the Consequences of Eliminating or Altering these Inalienable Rights

The educational programs of Salt & Light Global systematically examine the:

  • Biblical Authority for Permanent Principles
  • Conflicting “Principles” of Contrary Worldviews
  • Relevant Applications and Examples for Permanent Principles
  • Differences between the American and International Approach to Handling Issues Related to Permanent Principles
  • Various Ways and Means for Promoting and Defending Permanent Principles, as well as Responding to Conflicting Principles



About the Author

Prof. William Wagner
WFFC Distinguished Chair for Faith & Freedom at SAU
Professor Wagner holds the WFFC Distinguished Chair for Faith & Freedom at Spring Arbor University. He has a special interest in building and preserving environments where Christians may share the Good News of Jesus, free from persecution and oppression.

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