“American Laws for American Courts” is a movement designed to guard the constitutionally protected rights and liberties of American citizens against incursion and influence by foreign laws and legal doctrines, including Islamic Sharia law.
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence... the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."
- President George Washington, 1796 Farwell Address
“American Laws for American Courts” is a movement designed to guard the constitutionally protected rights and liberties of American citizens against incursion and influence by foreign laws and legal doctrines, including Islamic Sharia law.
Since our nation’s inception, when we first declared the right to self-government and thew off the shackles of foreign influence with the Declaration of Independence, generations of American have faithfully and sacrificially fought against the attrition of foreign influence. While our Constitution’s Emoluments Clause protects against some types of foreign influence those holding public office, our legal system has proven to be vulnerable to foreign subversion. Foreign laws and legal doctrines, including principles of Shariah Law, are increasingly influencing U.S. court cases at the federal and state level. Especially where choice of law issues, choice of forum or venue issues, and arguments of Comity are considered, foreign ideas like Shariah law often find an open door to American Courts. Family courts are especially susceptible to such influence. As a result, liberties uniquely protected by American law are frequently denied to American citizens.
A few such liberties uniquely protected by American law include:
- Freedom of Religion
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of the Press
- Due Process and Equality Under the Law
- Privacy Rights
- Right to Keep and Bear Arms
These liberty interests simply do not exist in many foreign legal systems, including Shariah Law. However, all American citizens are entitled to be secure in their enjoyment of these rights. The only way to ensure that these American rights and legal values are, in fact, secured for every American in every case, is to grantee that only American Law is applied by and in American Courts.
Resultingly, more than a decade ago, the American Laws for American Courts movement was born. Since then, numerous state legislatures have adopted some form of an American Laws for American Courts Act to ensure that the laws of their state constitution and applicable federal law are upheld throughout their state courts and lower courts. As a matter of good governance, continuing to promote and uphold such measures is essential for the preservation of national sovereignty, individual liberty, and the rule of law.
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