Legislative Tracking


SENT’INEL, noun [from Latin sentio, to perceive.] In military affairs, a soldier sent to watch or guard an army, camp or other place from surprise, to observe the approach of danger and give notice of it.

– Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

Our team often plays the role of a sentinel, vigilantly watching for threats to Christian people, and the free exercise of their faith. As threats are observed, our team swiftly informs you, so that you can pray and act accordingly.

At the beginning of each month, we post a new legislative tracking guide that surmises all movement on key policy issues at the state and federal level, with specific prayer points. All matters of public policy are filtered through a Biblical worldview lens for convenient, trustworthy reference.

The Latest

Legislative Trackers

Older Posts

Law and Policy Update: May-June 2024

Law and Policy Update: April-May 2024

Law and Policy Update: March-April 2024

Law and Policy Update: February-March 2024

Legislative Update: January – February 2024

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Prayer Guides

Sphere Sovereignty

As we seek to set apart Christ as Lord, we invite you to join us in praying and seeking the Lord’s will in different spheres of life. Please explore and share the following prayer guide(s).

The Latest

Non-Partisan Legislative Testimony

Older Testimonies

Protecting the Human Dignity of Women & Children in MI

Opposing Protection of Teacher’s Jobs at Expense of Child Safety in MI

Protecting Women’s Health from Sub-standard Reproductive Care in MI

Protecting Religious Liberty in MI

Protecting Citizens from Vague Hate Speech Legislation in MI

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The Latest

Comments on Federal Executive Policy

Older Comments

Justice Center Calls on Holland City Council to Not Violate the Constitution

Transgender bathroom
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In the Public Square

Court & Issue Briefs