Recently, Professor Wagner and the Great Lakes Justice Center filed an amici curiae brief on behalf of pro-life obstetricians-gynecologists and the Wagner Faith & Freedom Center at Spring Arbor University, addressing concerns about the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s 2016 and 2021 approval of dangerous abortion drugs.
“Throughout its exercise of government power, the FDA acted far outside any “zone of reasonableness” and never “considered the relevant issues” or “reasonably explained” its decisions.
Not once did the FDA acknowledge that it was providing government authorization for the dispensing of a drug designed with the singular purpose of killing an innocent human life. Not once did it acknowledge the humanity of the pre-born child. And not once, in the name of political expediency, was it not willing to diminish the health and safety of pregnant mothers and the integrity of the medical profession. Whether radically weakening health and safety protections by changing the conditions of the drug’s use in 2016 sans adequate study, or relying on deficient analysis to remove even the vital in-person doctor visit in 2021, the FDA placed itself and a progressive abortion agenda above the law.
Good governance, the rule of law, and humanity require more than the arbitrary and capricious exercise of power.”
-Professor William Wagner
Download the full brief to learn more, and please join us in praying for justice and protection of life as this matter makes its way before the nation’s highest court. We will continue to update you on new developments in this case.