Arts & Entertainment
We Pray and ask the Lord…for grace, favor, and success of new film directors who will produce wholesome family geared movies. Use the state of Michigan to be an evangelical outreach in this area. (Joshua 1:8)
We Pray and ask the Lord…for favor for Christians in the art and entertainment field.
We Pray and ask the Lord…that God would raise up men and women with godly character and anointed talents or gifts that will influence the art world with righteousness. (Romans 12:5-8)
We Pray and ask the Lord…for divinely inspired plays and movies to be given to good directors who will impact the movie and play industries. We ask the Lord to inspire the young prophets who are called to the entertainment industry to boldly step out and write plays with messages of truth and virtue.
We Pray and ask the Lord…to release financial blessings upon wholesome arts and plays.
We Pray and ask the Lord…for a turning of the Arts from perversion and idolatry to purity, for He is the one that created the arts for His glory. (Colossians 1:16)
We Pray and ask the Lord…to cut off the funding of the wicked and perverse entertainment productions.
We Pray and ask the Lord…for the church to begin taking back the arts and using them for the kingdom of God and His Glory.
We Pray and ask the Lord…for a move of God to hit the arts and entertainment industry. Ask the Lord to send laborers into these areas for the salvation of many souls being brought into the kingdom of God. Save Hollywood Lord! (Isaiah 45:8, Luke 10:2)
We Pray and ask the Lord…for direct visitation on those in the arts and entertainment industry to be encountered in such a way the fear of the Lord will come upon the.
We Pray and ask the Lord…to inspire sports personalities to speak boldly the Word of God when given a platform.
We Pray and ask the Lord…to save those unsaved sports personalities who you have called for your purposes.
We Pray and ask the Lord…to reveal the deception of lust of the eyes, flesh and pride of life to those in these fields.
We Pray and ask the Lord… to bring to the forefront with his grace, favor, and success righteous men and women to be called to work in the media and all communication systems. (Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 16:3)
We Pray and ask the Lord… to release funding and promotion for those men and women called by God to influence the media and communication outlets.
We Pray and ask the Lord… that the Spirit of Truth would expose deception and uncover the works of the antichrist spirit at work within the media all of our communication outlets. (1 John 2:18)
We Pray and ask the Lord… to dry up the funding that is financing and fueling the pornography and child pornography within our state. Pray that these predators would be caught, prosecuted, and removed from society. (Ephesians 5:11, Proverbs 2:22)
We Pray and ask the Lord… to break the power of the spirit of deception that is covering truth and blinding the eyes of our people about partial birth and all abortion practices. We ask the Lord to block the promotion and funding of this spirit so it will not be unleashed in our state and given rights to perform abortions legally.(Psalms 139:13-19)
We Pray and ask the Lord… for God fearing reporters, to be unbiased and truthful in reporting the news. Pray for new standards of righteousness and integrity within the media and all communication outlets. (Psalms 15:1-2, Proverbs 14:34)
We Pray and ask the Lord… to pour out his Spirit upon the people with in the media. We ask the Lord to release laborers with in the media and communication outlets for a great harvest of souls to be saved and sanctified, producing fruits of righteousness within their businesses. (Joel 2:28)
We Pray and ask the Lord… to dry up the finances and those who are in support and promoting the pro- abortion and the anti marriage/anti family, homosexual programs and bills with in our state. Pray that their money being poured into the media to sponsor these anti God lifestyles would not succeed. (Proverbs 12:2)
We Pray and ask the Lord…for the protection of those working in the media and communications field; for those who are standing for Judeo Christian values within our society. Pray for strength and boldness as they stand for truth. (Isaiah 54:17)
We Pray and ask the Lord…that the internet will be used as a technological laborer for God’s purposes. May Christians invade chat rooms, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and every other platform with God’s truth, always giving an answer and treason of the hope of their calling, and doing so with love and respect for others.