Our Input to UN on Education Choice

The United Nations bases its vision for “transform[ing] education” inter alia  on the Abidjan Principles.  The Abidjan Principles see the state as preeminent in the area of education, with enforcement of state education policy preferences over parental choices and private educators. 

The current U.S. Administration recently invited U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Special Rapporteur Farida Shaheed for a “courtesy visit.”  The visit focuses on “academic freedom and safety at all levels of education and access to public education from kindergarten to 12th grade without discrimination.”  Professor Wagner and others were provided with the opportunity to provide input to the Special Rapporteur prior to her visit.  

Given that the Abidjan Principles provide concerning context for the visit’s focus, Professor Wagner thought it important to respond.

Here is Prof. Wagner’s input:

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